The Wizarding World of Harry Potter through the Magic of Muggle Languages!

month July 2022

The Big Reveal: the rare Uyghur translation of Harry Potter I just got my hands on…

For weeks, I’ve been teasing other collections about this rare and fascinating book. Now it’s time to unpack it!

Harry Potter in a made-up language? The Esperanto translation!

Esperanto is the only language Harry Potter has been translated into that’s completely made up (like Elvish and High Valyrian)! So what’s it like?

A tale of trolls and goblins: the Low German “Puk” in Harry Potter

Translation is a powerful tool, and even the smallest subtleties can create big differences in a story. Take a look at this case from the Low German translation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, where a connection is drawn between stupid trolls and the clever-faced goblins.

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