The Wizarding World of Harry Potter through the Magic of Muggle Languages!

Tag Uyghur

5 Christmas Comfort Foods in Harry Potter from Around the World

Foods, as a literary device, are commonly changed in translation. Here are some of the hearty holiday comfort foods from around the world that have made their way into the Harry Potter translations.

“P for Prefect!” Molly Weasley gets in on the joke!

In English, “Prefect” and “Percy” both begin with “P.” So how is Fred’s tease treated in languages that don’t use the word “prefect”? In some cases, Molly gets in on the joke.

The Big Reveal: the rare Uyghur translation of Harry Potter I just got my hands on…

For weeks, I’ve been teasing other collections about this rare and fascinating book. Now it’s time to unpack it!

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