The Spellman Spectrum
The Spellman Spectrum measures the level of creativity and innovation in a translation. A low score on the scale indicates that a translation is true to the English original, while a high score suggests a translation that creates a new wizarding world of its own! Read here (and here) about how it works.
The scale is a work in progress and its algorithm is subject to revision over time. The percentage accompanying the score is the completeness of the rating for that particular translation (i.e., what percentage of data points have been evaluated). The most recent update to this page was on November 27, 2022.
Want a translation to be rated on the Spellman Spectrum? If you own a copy of that translation, contact me and we’ll make sure the translation is rated. Otherwise, feel free to place a request.

Albanian: Harry Potter dhe Guri Filozofal
Amik Kasoruho
91.3 (59.0% complete)

Azerbaijani: Harri Potter və fəlsəfə daşı
Fəxrəddin Ağazadə
22.0 (60.0% complete)

Bosnian: Harry Potter i Kamen Mudrosti
Mirjana Evtov
54.7 (60.0% complete)

Catalan: Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal
Laura Escorihuela Martínez
61.7 (65.7% complete)

Czech: Harry Potter a Kamen mudrců
Vladimir Medek
83.9 (65.7% complete)

Danish: Harry Potter og de Vises Sten
Hanna Lützen
77.4 (65.7% complete)

Dutch: Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen
Wiebe Buddingh’
95.9 (61.9% complete)

Finnish: Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi
Jaana Kapari-Jatta
86.7 (61.0% complete)

French: Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers
Jean-François Ménard
96.6 (66.7% complete)

Frisian: Harry Potter en de Stien fan ‘e Wizen
Jetske Bilker
91.1 (61.0% complete)

Galician: Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal
Marilar Aleixandre
17.8 (61.0% complete)

German: Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen
Klaus Fritz
56.3 (60.0% complete)

Hebrew: Harry Potter ha-Even haHochmīm (הארי פוטר ואבן החכמים)
Gili Bar-Hillel
56.0 (58.1% complete)

Hindi: Harry Potter aur Paras Patthar (हैरी पॉटर और पारस पत्थर)
Sudhir Dixit
45.0 (52.4% complete)

Icelandic: Harry Potter og viskusteinninn
Helga Haraldsdóttir
61.9 (65.3% complete)

Low German: Harry Potter un de Wunnersteen
Hartmut Cyriacks and Peter Nissen
40.4 (63.8% complete)

Luxembourgish: Den Harry Potter an den Alchimistesteen
Florence Berg
74.6 (59.0% complete)

Maori: Hare Pota me te Whatu Manapou
Leon Heketū Blake
94.1 (61.9% complete)

Norwegian: Harry Potter og de Vises Stein
Torstein Bugge Høverstad
99.4 (98.1% complete)

Occitan: Harry Potter e la pèira filosofau
Karina Richard Bòrdanava
87.0 (59.0% complete)

Polish: Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny
Andrzej Polkowski
57.7 (75.2% complete)

Portuguese (Brazilian): Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal
Lia Wyler
56.3 (61.2% complete)

Portuguese (Lusitanian): Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal
Isabel Fraga
40.2 (61.2% complete)

Romanian: Harry Potter şi piatra filozofală
Ioana Iepureanu
68.6 (60.0% complete)

Romanian: Harry Potter şi piatra filosofală
Florin Bacin
74.3 (60.0% complete)

Scots: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stane
Matthew Fitt
73.2 (62.9% complete)

Spanish: Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
22.0 (94.1%)

Slovak: Harry Potter a Kameň mudrcov
Jana Petrikovičová
48.9 (61.0% complete)

Turkish: Harry Potter: Büyülü Taş
Mustafa Bayındır
29.3 (43.8% complete)

Turkish: Harry Potter ve Felsefe Taşı
Ülkü Tamer
42.2(63.8% complete)

Urdu: Harry Potter aur Paras Patthar (ہیری پوٹر اور پارس پتھر)
Darakhshanda Asghar Khokhar
11.2 (52.4% complete)

Urdu: Harry Potter aur Paras Patthar ka Raaz (ہیری پوٹر اور پارس پتھر کا راز)
Moazzam Javed Bukhari
22.5 (52.4% complete)

Uyghur: Kharri Pottir
Alimjan Azat
42.1 (60.0% complete)

Yiddish: Harry Potter un der filosofisher shteyn (הערי פּאָטער און דער פֿילאָסאָפֿישער שטיין)
Arun Schaechter Viswanath
51.0 (48.6% complete)