Potter of Babble is growing in reach! Both in content and in followers. We now have regular readers from the United States, Canada, Japan, the UK, Germany, and Australia, and search engines have brought in traffic from all over, including China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Sweden, Singapore, and Ecuador! Recently Potter of Babble has even been picked up by Google, where it already appears in one of the FIRST slots for some search terms.

As we continue to grow, we hope to optimize user experience. But we need your help in building a bigger, better Babble community:

Have something exciting to share about your favorite edition of Harry Potter?

Consider writing for us! We’re more than happy to feature content written by our readers and are searching for regular contributors who can write for us every 1–2 months. Get in touch here or on Instagram.

Have ideas on how we can improve?

Your feedback is INCREDIBLY valuable. Without it, we cannot tailor either content or design to fit your wants and needs. Like our posts, leave comments, and send us suggestions!

Sign up to help refine the Spellman Spectrum!

The Spellman Spectrum, which rates Harry Potter translations is still being tried and tested. We need people fluent in reading various languages to help with testing and feedback and are currently working on ways to get your involvement. If you’re interested in helping out, let us know.

Like us and stay connected!

Potter of Babble offers opportunities to connect with the broader collecting community, through our Google Group, our Instagram, Twitter, and more. It’s a great way to find good deals on rare books, too! Interacting with Potter of Babble helps expand our reach and grow our community: so like our posts, comment on them, and tell your friends.

Lastly, we just want to say thank you to all of you for your readership and your support. We would have not made it this far without you!